Webinar | Leading During Troubled Times

Interactive Tharawat Coaching Session on how to reflect and reframe your leadership in these challenging times by enhancing your soft skills.


May 4, 2020


May 4, 2020


Online Webinar   View map

Leading During Troubled Times – Managing Your Emotions

As leaders, the Covid-19 pandemic can cause complex feelings to emerge in each one of us.
This unique moment in history requires us to reflect and reframe our leadership and enhance our soft skills. How can we excel in the new realities and how can the understanding of our emotions increase our leadership skills?

In a participative coaching session, Caroline Fattal, Executive Coach and Cherine Debbas, Excutive Coach will help us name our concerns, share them, and introduce practical steps to manage emotions.

Session Take-Aways:

  • Identify the challenges to leadership in troubled times
  • Understand your emotions
  • Learn how to manage these emotions to become a more effective leader

The coaching session will be interactive; participants will have the opportunity to ask questions directly in the forum and in breakout sessions with their peers. Participation will not be anonymous.

Please note that this session is for Tharawat Members, members of family businesses and by invitation only. Seats are limited. More information at [email protected].


Tharawat Family Business Forum

The Tharawat Family Business Forum is an independent, non-for-profit membership association dedicated to the sustainability, innovation, and growth of MENA family businesses.