Tharawat Investors Circle

Tharawat Investors Circle

Launch of the New Investors Circle 

On 26th April 2017, the Tharawat Family Business Forum launched the “Investors Circle” exclusively for its Tharawat Members. The Investors Circle is a unique, exclusive platform to discuss:

• best practices and structures for sustainable and successful investing;
• growth and diversification opportunities for the family business;
• investment opportunities in different sectors and countries.


  • Mr. Yasser Al Kadi, Managing Director, Zajil Express Trading, KSA
  • Mr. Mohammad Al Wazzan, Managing Partner, Valia, US/Kuwait
  • Ms. Nadine Karadag, Director, INCO Group of Companies, UAE


  • Members of the Tharawat Investors Circle jointly shaped the agenda and decided future activities and topics of discussion.


The Investors Circle is aimed at Tharawat Members who have an interest in exploring investment opportunities and sharing knowledge as well as expertise with their peers.


Dubai, UAE