Workshop | Family Businesses Investing in Start-Ups
The Tharawat Family Business Forum had the pleasure to organise an exclusive 2-day workshop on “Family Business Investing in Start-Ups” held in Muscat and hosted by the Oman Authority for SME Development.
Interview: The families that shaped MENA and what lies ahead for them?
Podcast interview “The Families that Shaped MENA and What Lies Ahead for Them?” with Farida F. El Agamy on Conversations with Loulou, hosted by Loulou Khazen Baz.
Wealth and Legacy: The Rise of Single Family Offices in the MENA – Key Takeaways
Insights and take aways from the report ‘Wealth and Legacy: The Rise of Single Family Offices in the MENA’.
Launch: MENA Single Family Offices – A Survey And Outlook
The Tharawat Family Business Forum and LGT Middle East are thrilled to announce the launch of their collaboration on the upcoming MENA family office survey and report.
Launch: Spotlight Series by Family Business Histories
The Family Business Histories Project publishes the Spotlights Series – a collection of 60 case studies, each documenting the history of a regional family business.
Launch: Climate Change and Family Business Report
The Tharawat Family Business Forum, in collaboration with the AW Rostamani Group and knowledge partner Global Compact Network UAE, launched a report outlining climate risks and action for family businesses in the MENA.
Partnership Announcement: Climate Change and Family Business
The Tharawat Family Business and AW Rostamani Group, today announced the launch of the “Family Business and Climate Change” project.
Families as Impact Investors: a Toolkit for Purposeful Investing
In this article we formulate recommendations for family firms to consider when it comes to building their direct impact investing portfolio.
Aligning Philanthropy – Webinar Series with CSP
Series about the changing landscape of philanthropy, new approaches, and strategies that will lead to higher impact, efficiency and efficacy.
Communication, Community and the Critical Role of HR
Sana Jubaili believes that communication, community and HR will play a critical role in helping family businesses navigate the pandemic.
Aligning Talent Strategies and Business Continuity
Fawaz Al-Otaibi leverages his governance strategy to ensure smooth transitions, and ultimately, a family legacy full of growth and prosperity.
On the Way to Recovery – Cooperation and Communication in Tunisia
We spoke with Anis Bouchamaoui about the cooperation and communication that Tunisian family businesses have exhibited in this crisis.
After the Pandemic – The Future of East African Family Businesses
We spoke with Dhruv Jog to get his take on the crisis, on the return of localisation and the future of East African family businesses.
United Against a Common Enemy
Abdullah Almajdouie identifies ways in which businesses can adapt to protect themselves and stand united against a common enemy.